Tuesday, July 24, 2012

10 days of ME: 8 fears

day 3 of 10...of all about me...8 things I'm afraid of...

8.  bees...I am 30 years old, and have never been stung by a bee...so I am terribly afraid of them...I've gone this long without that pain...not sure how I'd handle it

7.  falling...I am SUPER clumsy...so falling is a constant fear of mine...which is why it's taken me 7 years to learn how to ski...

6.  failing...at work, ruining a recipe, just being wrong in general...don't like it...stubborn, no?

5.  chaos...as much as I'd like to think that I am spontaneous...when there isn't a plan in place...enter fear :p

4. money....I know that might sound weird...that I'm afraid of money...but it has so much power over us, and somehow so many people relate it to self-worth...I know that I could be perfectly happy without lots of money...but not having the security of having enough money...that scares me

3.  losing the use of arms or legs...I know that people who are disabled are usually really motivational, and strong...but I think I would just lose it if I couldn't run around, or continue to draw or create art...see fear of falling...I really don't want to injure myself!

2.  guns...living in downtown Baltimore city, there are always sirens and what I tell myself are 'fireworks'...while I've never really felt in danger...I am definitely always aware of where I am...and extra cautious...I am definitely a suburban girl at heart ;)

1.  losing the people I love most...it's been a tough couple of months and it's made me realize just how important it is to tell the people you love just how you feel...you never know what can happen...and I have so many people that I can not imagine my life without

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