Wednesday, December 12, 2012


gotta love numerology, even numbers, repeating numbers.

yup, that's the OCD in me coming out hard core :)

but, did you know, that today, 12.12.12. is the last time in our lifetimes that we will see a date like this?  in case you missed 01.01.01 or 02.02.02 or 03.03.03...04.04.04...05.05.05....06.06.06  the ever popular wedding date of 07.07.07...or 08.08.08, 09.09.09, 10.10.10, or 11.11.11...

make sure today you hand write the date on something.

you'll be glad you did.

or you aren't crazy like me and you don't care.

either way...happy 12.12.12!

only 13 days till Christmas!  ahhhhhhh!

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