Friday, December 31, 2010

Goodbye 2010!

whew...what a year!  2010 has flown by, and I really feel like we were just in South Carolina, celebrating the years beginning...and once again, I'm digging in my closet, looking for something festive and sparkly to wear, that is worthy of drinking champagne, reminiscing about the year, and toasting the future...

this really was quite a year for business really began to take shape, and I learned many new skills, and expanded my line...and even have my work featured in a few shops around the country!  my sales on Etsy have picked up, and my goals for 2011 are even higher!

I finished school, yet again...I don't spend every night doing homework, and I feel like I can work on my portfolio, figuring out my career path and making something of myself...I don't have a dead end job, but rather valuable experience that will push me towards that career that I so desire...

I started a big commitment to making a routine for myself at the gym...and while the end of the year was a bit hectic, and my schedule got a bit neglected, I lost 3 pant sizes, and am now in between the third and fourth...the fourth being my goal size! 

mainly, I feel like I know who I am now, what I want to accomplish, and I have made and reinforced some great friendships...I want 2011 to be a year I can be proud of, be successful in, and most of all, be happy.

so now I'm off to get ready for dinner with Bonnie and Andy, our faithful new years companions of the past 5's to 2010, and 2011!

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