Tuesday, March 16, 2010

kitty comes home!

it has been a very trying three days...thankfully Kevin has come home...after countless calls at ungodly hours to the vet clinic (who were all wonderful and very patient with me and my hysterical fits of tears), several boxes of tissues, many visits to check in on our patient and some shaved paws...he is home.

it's still very unclear how things will go, and I've vigilantly resisted the urge to Google kidney failure in cats to see what lies ahead...because the few searches I did do, I realized it could be very grim or he could live 15 more years like this...hopefully he'll respond to the treatments we give him, and he'll get many more years, because 6 is way too young for a cat!  I am determined to help him get healthy again :)

it is really scary though...for the next six weeks I have to give him fluid injections, some antibiotics and he gets to take antacids...I hate needles, so this is going to be tough...but I will learn to do it, and he'll hopefully love me for it :)

it is strange to think, that we have to feed our cats at certain times now, rather then leave the food out...but it's important also to monitor that he is eating all the time, since that was the warning signs of his sickness this time...

wish us luck...it's going to be a difficult road, but it's how things are now, so we will get used to it.

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