Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Blog Carnival - January 16th Edition

What are your new year's goals for your blog and/or shop?

This year is going to be a good year- I am determined to finally pursue my goals, which I started the path for at the end of last year, but this year...this is the year of Lauren...(haha, I always think of Seinfeld, and the "Summer of George" when I say that...)

That being said...the goal for my shop, is to have a sale per month...that doesn't seem like much, but I had at least one in November, and I think keeping up that small goal will make it easier to accomplish, and not get discouraged while I work out the kinks of how I'd like to run the business...I also want to upload new designs once a week, and get on a good schedule, like create new designs on mondays, photograph wednesdays and upload fridays for example...

For the blog...I really want to come up with weekly topics, so that I can have some sort of format to follow- Friday Finds, New Shop Tuesdays, etc :p

so for's going to be a busy year, but fingers crossed, a successful one as well!


storybeader said...

Sounds like you'll be busy! That's what happened to me - but mow, I'm so blogging, I don't have time to create!

Unknown said...

good goals. i've tried to keep mine pretty small too, so that i can be sure to accomplish them. good luck!

Jenni said...

Good for you! I started off with one little weekly feature, then it turned into two, then I'm having to force myself to not do them all every week because I just don't have the time--if I get too busy blogging I don't have any time left for sewing! I guess i need to work on the 'balance' thing!

The Fab Miss B said...

Best of luck in the new year! Regular features definitely help build the momentum to keep blogging every day. I also love that blogger allows you to schedule posts ahead of time. When I'm feeling really on the ball, I'll sit down and write ten or fifteen posts at one go- then I always have something to go up in a pinch.